Teachers' Strike Hurting Students, Parents

It was unfair for teachers to have the responsibility of playing multiple roles, and I thought the CTU fought for their rights.

By Rena Robinson | October 31, 2019 |

In the past, I was a supporter of the CTU because they advocated for smaller classrooms and having extra counselors and teachers. As a parent of twin high school students on the West Side, I was concerned that students were not getting the attention they needed in classrooms with 40 students and one teacher. It was unfair for teachers to have the responsibility of playing multiple roles, and I thought the CTU fought for their rights.

I believe there is a fair amount being offered for a new contract that will cover the needs for CPS. At this point, CTU is affecting the students who have test, like the SAT and ACT, that are imperative for scholarships and life after CPS. Compared to other students in Illinois, especially in the suburbs, our kids are missing out and getting behind because of the strike.

The negotiations have been disheartening and inconvenient for parents who cannot provide adequate child care. Parents and students are on edge every day playing “the waiting game.”

CPS and the CTU should handle their differences over the summer while school is not in session. This situation is disruptive to our students’ future success.

Rena Robinson, Austin

To read Rena's Letter as published in the Chicago Sun-Times, click here.

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