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Mayor Johnson promised to stand up for CPS families. Instead, he’s shutting them outOpinion by Daniel Anello and Hal Woods
The administration’s refusal to engage families in any public process has created distrust and is a far cry from the inclusive governance he talked about during his campaign, two nonprofit leaders write.

December 27, 2023 Chicago Sun-Times | READ

State Lawmakers Seeking Community Input on Chicago’s Elected School Board Map. Here’s What to Know
Chicagoans are set to see a new office on their ballot in November 2024. For the first time, voters will elect members to the Chicago Board of Education. It’s a massive transformation as board members were previously appointed by the mayor. For Jessica Cañas, senior community engagement manager at Kids First Chicago, the issue with the Senate’s proposed maps is the lack of Latino representation.

October 10, 2023 WTTW | READ

What Progress Has Been Made in Closing the K-12 Digital Divide?
Experts say communities across the U.S. have made significant progress in efforts to expand Internet access, largely through private-public partnerships and localized initiatives to make broadband affordable to families.

September 12, 2023 Government Technology | READ

Three big questions, asked and answered, about Chicago’s move to an elected school board
Starting in January 2025, Chicago will move from a school board appointed by the mayor to an elected board. This shift is stirring great hopes and great fears – hopes this will create a more responsive education system and fears it will open the door to instability and a board mired in politics.

September 7, 2023 WBEZ | READ

Chicago Public Schools is becoming less low-income. Here’s why that matters.
Even though the number of students from low-income families has dropped, nearly three-quarters of the district’s student body is still considered “economically disadvantaged.” But if the downward trend continues, Chicago schools could continue to see fewer dollars than expected from the state, which funds districts in part by considering how many students from low-income families are enrolled.

September 6, 2023 Chalkbeat Chicago | READ

Commentary: CPS has a Chance to Create an Equitable School Accountability System
Measurement is imperfect, and the associated accountability has been misused in the past. Which is why CPS launched an extensive redrafting of its own school accountability policy, spending the past two years leading its most extensive stakeholder engagement process in district history. This effort has been purposeful in centering those most impacted by the policy as its lead designers.

April 24, 2023 Crain's Chicago Business | READ

How Lawmakers can Create Fair Voting Maps for Chicago’s Elected School Board
Lawmakers have until July 1 to draw maps for school board elections in 2024. The process must be transparent, and the maps should reflect the city’s racial makeup, two parent activists write.

April 2, 2023 Chicago Sun-Times | READ

From funding to testing, here’s how Chicago mayoral candidates differ on plans for CPS
Paul Vallas plans changes to CPS’ structure and to prioritize testing while Brandon Johnson wants to guarantee a baseline of resources for each school.

March 29, 2023 WBEZ | READ

Hal Woods: Chicago’s 21-Member School Board is too Large. Springfield Should Shrink it.
After the April 4 mayoral runoff, all eyes will turn toward Chicago’s foray into an elected school board, the most consequential transformation in governance of the city’s public school system in a generation.

March 23, 2023 Chicago Tribune | READ

Back of the Yards Residents Push Back Against Plan to Merge New Library with Public Housing Project
Some residents in Back of the Yards are pushing back over a proposal that would incorporate a new public library into a public housing project.

Feb. 15, 2023 WTTW | READ

Families are leaving public schools. How will that change education?
Changes in enrollment inevitably mean school districts are going to have to make hard choices,” says Ray Hart, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools.

Feb. 15, 2023 Christian Science Monitor | READ

Declining enrollment, empty schools, union battles: Mayoral candidates grapple with big challenges in Chicago Public Schools
Whoever becomes mayor for the next four years will face enormous challenges and a daunting transition from a school board selected by City Hall to one elected by voters.

Jan. 29, 2023 Chicago Tribune | READ


Student achievement has plummeted since COVID-19. Parents must be part of fixing that.
The latest scores from the National Assessment of Education Progress show steep learning loss during the pandemic. If the district is serious about addressing the problem, parent engagement is essential.

Oct. 27, 2022 Chicago Sun-times | READ

Chicago Offers a Blueprint for Expanding Urban Internet Access
Remote schooling during the pandemic spotlighted the urban digital divide — and spurred the largest school broadband program in the US.

May 31, 2022 Bloomberg | READ

New report details factors in CPS enrollment drop
The report, produced by Kids First Chicago, says the slowing growth of Latino families and a steady out-migration of Black families from Chicago are big reasons for the downward trend at Chicago Public Schools.

Jan. 31, 2022 Chicago Sun-Times | READ


Millions of Students Got Free Home Internet for Remote Learning. How Long Will It Last?
After COVID-19 forced the nation’s schools online, thousands of districts scrambled to partner with internet service providers to cover the cost of broadband for low-income students.

March 10, 2021 Education Week | READ

Case Study: How Chicago is Providing Stable High-Speed Internet Access to Students who Need it the Most
With the possibility of remote learning returning this fall, the City of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the philanthropic community, and leading Internet Service Providers (ISPs) recognized a historic opportunity to eliminate broadband accessibility as a barrier to digital learning.

EducationSuperhighway | READ


Anxiety about Chicago’s neighborhood schools persists amid the pandemic
Black students in Chicago are less likely to choose their neighborhood schools. They spend the longest time commuting to school. And yet they remain much less likely to attend the city’s top-rated campuses than their white peers.

July 16, 2020 Chalkbeat | READ

Chicago Hopes Broadband Plan Could Help Other Cities Address Digital Divide
Officials and donors involved in an ambitious plan to provide free broadband access to students in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods hope that the public-private partnership can be a model for efforts to address digital equity issues elsewhere in the U.S.

July 9, 2020 Wall Street Journal | READ