Filtered Policy Priorities

Mayor Johnson, non-citizen parents need a chance to advocate for their kids in CPS
Published originally in the Chicago Sun-Times on February 2, 2025.

Why Illinois Must Fully Fund Education Now
Claiborne Wade, chair of Kids First Chicago’s Equitable Funding Task Force, CPS parent, and staff member at DePriest Elementary, presses the state board and state legislators to guarantee more adequate education funding in the FY2026 budget.

How to Confront Chicago Public Schools’ Financial Freefall
Published originally in the Chicago Tribune Opinion Section on July 30, 2024.

Mayor Brandon Johnson Rejects CPS Budget: What Comes Next?
In an unprecedented move, Mayor Brandon Johnson blasts Chicago Public Schools' proposed $9.9 billion budget. What comes next?

LSC Members Request Transparency and Engagement in Critical School Funding Decisions
Members of more than 30 Local School Councils send urgent letter to Chicago Board of Education asking for engagement around school budgets for SY2024-25.

Funding Illinois' Future Response to Passage of FY25 State Budget
Published originally by Funding Illinois' Future coalition on May 29, 2024.

CPS Shifts School Funding Model: Local School Council Members Weigh In
Kids First Chicago hosted a forum with over 30 Local School Council members to dissect CPS’s new funding approach and weighed in on WTTW's Chicago Tonight.

The Urgent Need for CPS Funding Transparency
LSC chair at Bronzeville Classical Elementary Stephen Mitchell calls for CPS budget transparency in a letter to the Chicago Tribune editor.

A Day of Advocacy: EBF Funding Rally in Springfield
Over 150 advocates from across Illinois–including more than 40 dedicated parents and students from Kids First Chicago–converged on Springfield to champion an increase in the Evidence-Based Funding (EBF) formula to at least $550 million.

Funding Illinois' Future Responds to Governor's Budget Proposal, Claiborne Wade Weighs In
Published originally by Funding Illinois' Future coalition on Feb. 23, 2024.

ISBE Set to Unveil Key FY2025 Budget Recommendations This Week
The State Board of Education gears up for a pivotal vote this week around evidence-based funding for FY2025.

Letter From PAB Leaders to Mayor Brandon Johnson
Kids First Chicago’s Parent Advisory Board members reached out to the newly inaugurated Mayor Brandon Johnson, inviting him to collaborate with our community to ensure a high-quality education for all of Chicago's students.