Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Task Force
A comprehensive survey and qualitative discussions with more than 50 Kids First Chicago parent leaders identified social-emotional learning, equitable funding, and high-quality teaching as the top barriers preventing every Chicago student from receiving a world-class education. In response, the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Task Force was launched in June 2023.
Task Force Background
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of a students’ well-being has never been more important. The Task Force, made up of more than 35 committed parents and caregivers, is dedicated to broadening its understanding of SEL and actively advocating for the changes parents seek for their children. Members represent communities from all parts of the city and have children across all levels of schooling.
Partnership with CASEL
The Task Force partners with the Collaboration for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) to deepen learning and engage more effectively in the wider national discourse on SEL.
Learning Plan Development and Topic Selection
Before exploring specific topics related to SEL, the Task Force familiarized themselves with the fundamentals of SEL, focusing on CASEL’s five core competencies.
CASEL’s 5 Core Competencies of SEL
Social Awareness
Responsible Decision-Making
Relationship Skills
The Task Force identified several areas of SEL they were interested in exploring, including:
SEL Measurement
Staff Development
Out of School Time & Wraparound Services
Diverse Coursework & Student Experiences
Strategies for Diverse Learners and English Language Learners
Through a discussion-based decision-making process, members selected SEL measurement as their first learning topic.
Measuring Social Emotional Learning
In partnership with CASEL, the Task Force prioritized three key questions regarding SEL measurement that were essential for them to feel informed and equipped to both increase knowledge and consider advocacy goals:
- What are SEL standards? To measure a student's SEL skills, it is essential to first understand the standards that define the grade-level expectations for those skills. See more at Illinois State Standards for SEL
- What are common approaches districts and schools use to measure SEL? Parents need to be aware of the various methods available, including their benefits and limitations.
- How does CPS currently measure SEL? CPS uses surveys to gauge the overall student experience, but does not measure individual students' SEL growth and development.
5Essentials Survey: An annual survey completed by students, teachers, and parents that measures a school’s climate, culture including the school environment. Data from this survey is publicly available.
Cultivate Survey: Taken twice a year by all middle and high school students, Cultivate measures the classroom learning environment as perceived by students. Data from Cultivate is not publicly available.
What’s Next For The SEL Task Force?
The Task Force is developing several resources around SEL to share their learning with other parents, caregivers, and community members outside of the task force.
Through the learning process, task force members noticed several pathways for advocacy, including:
Identify what parents want to include in a new CPS SEL policy, informed by a review of SEL policies from peer school districts.
Collaborate with practitioners and CPS to create school-level summaries of student Cultivate survey data.
Complete a rigorous evaluation of the efficacy and practicality of implementing a district-wide SEL growth and development measurement tool for students.
In addition to resource development and advocacy, the Task Force will continue executing its learning plan and developing relationships with SEL decision-makers at CPS.