As the Community Engagement Coordinator for the Northwest Side of Chicago, Teresa works to develop parent leaders who advocate for educational equity across the district. A Chicago native, born and raised in Humboldt Park, Teresa is passionate about helping families access information and resources, so they can advocate for quality education. By establishing and strengthening relationships with a diverse network of parents, community members, teachers, schools, elected officials, and other key stakeholders, Teresa promotes two-way communication between parents and decision-makers.
Teresa previously served as the Family Engagement Coordinator at Erie Elementary Charter School. There, she worked with parents, administration, and community organizations to bring the broader community together and build parent engagement. One of her proudest accomplishments was assisting parents in creating and developing their schoolwide initiative–The Family Engagement Workshop Series–which connected parents with information and resources from experts in Mental Health, Nutrition, Anti-Bullying, Literacy, Technology, and Education Policy. While at Erie, Teresa also managed the Family Engagement and Events Team, whose purpose was to plan, promote, and host family events throughout the school year.
As a mother of four, Teresa has spent the last 20 years as an active parent leader and advocate in her school communities. She enjoys learning as well as spending time in nature and with family. Her hobbies include singing, dancing and reading.