Garrette Horne

Director of Community Engagement

He, Him, His

As Director of Community Engagement, Garrette works to maintain Kids First Chicago’s partnerships with schools and organizations on the South Side of Chicago. Growing up in Englewood, attending Chicago Public Schools, and experiencing the many challenges of the inner city, has helped to shape his desire for social change.

Prior to joining Kids First Chicago, Garrette spent nearly 20 years in school–based social services, community organizing, nonprofit management, youth development, training, consulting, and direct services with Chicago-area homeless shelters, churches, theater companies, public schools, parks, correctional facilities, and social service agencies. Specializing in providing high quality social supports for inner–city Chicago communities, Garrette has worked in leadership roles with organizations including the Children’s Defense Fund, Gary Comer Youth Center, Youth Guidance, and Chicago Youth Centers.

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