Statements from Kids First Chicago & Kids First Chicago Parent Advisory Board on Special CPS Board Meeting

Kids First Chicago and its Parent Advisory Board offer statements on the Board of Education's special session, called with just two days' notice on the brink of the CPS Winter Break.

By K1C Parent Advisory Board, Kids First Chicago Team | December 19, 2024 |

The following statements are presented on behalf of Kids First Chicago and the Kids First Chicago Parent Advisory Board in response to the special session of the Board of Education scheduled for the evening of December 20, 2024.

Statement attributable to Kids First Chicago CEO Daniel Anello

The Chicago Board of Education is accountable first and foremost to the residents of Chicago. This obligation is clearly reflected in CPS’s own organizational chart, which puts the people of this city at the very top. Mayor Johnson’s previously appointed Board recognized this when it adopted a five-year strategic plan committed to public engagement and transparent decision-making—explicitly rejecting the unilateral actions we are now witnessing.

Instead of honoring that commitment, the current appointed Board has called a last-minute meeting two days before the holiday break, leaving little room for public input and undermining the very democratic values that countless parents and advocates fought for years to achieve. That this action is happening mere weeks before our new, partially-elected Board takes office, makes it all the more indefensible.

We urge the Board to delay this meeting until the new CPS board is seated. CPS families and communities deserve a transparent, inclusive process that respects both the hard-won democratic reforms and the stated values of collaboration and accountability. Simply because one has the authority to do something does not make it right.


Statement from Kids First Chicago Parent Advisory Board

As the Kids First Chicago Parent Advisory Board (PAB), we issued a statement on December 2 calling for the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability among families, school communities, and our elected officials. The latest move to call a special session on the brink of the winter break does the opposite.

The Board of Education should delay its meeting until the New Year and commit to careful deliberation about the issues that matter most. Eight PAB members shared their perspectives on the many issues CPS faces in a Media Roundtable on Dec. 10. Specially, we ask:

  • CPS and its schools to provide full transparency by sharing comprehensive student performance data with families—not just celebrating the wins but also showing us where we need to redouble support for students who are furthest behind.

  • CPS to ensure that negotiations with the CTU for a new contract include meaningful accountability measures for our children’s learning outcomes and for creating an environment that inspires and motivates them to attend school every day.

  • The newly-elected and soon-to-be-appointed CPS board members to put aside distractions and focus on clearly communicating where our children are academically and implementing strategies that address these critical issues head-on.

The Board of Education and the Mayor of Chicago owe the families and residents of Chicago more respect and transparency.

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